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Open Online Survey for the Green Market Report - France - Open

This survey is part of a comprehensive European market research initiative introduced by INSERT YOUR ASSOCIATION in cooperation with the Austrian Green Roof and Living Wall Association (VfB) and the European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB), intended to highlight the growing importance of the greening building industry across Europe. 

Thank you for accepting our invitation to participate in this market research initiative. Your replies provide an essential foundation for the Green Market Report.

Please invest approx. 15 minutes of your time!

Depending on the range of your current services, we ask you to answer between 10 and 25 questions on roof-, facade- and interior wall greening, and the development of your company in the field of greening buildings. 


Representatives of the industrial sector (such as system, component and substrate manufacturers and distributors) have the opportunity to submit sensitive market data to a notary, who in turn will forward gathered data to YOUR ASSOCIATIONS in aggregated and anonymised form.


As a small Thank you for your participation, we offer a free summary of the report or you can receive a substantial discount when purchasing the full report.


The implementation of the online survey for the Green Market Report is kindly made possible by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).



{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{105}" paraid="453438246">Privacy policy on online surveys within the framework of the Green Market Report  


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{115}" paraid="821420770">By participating in this survey, you agree that we may use your data in anonymized form to create the Green Market Report. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{129}" paraid="1434987810">The Green Market Report deals for the first time with the steadily growing market segment of greening buildings in Europe and goes into detail on green roofs, walls and indoor living walls. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{135}" paraid="1611013708">The survey, which is carried out by INSERT YOUR ASSOCIATION in cooperation with the Austrian Innovation Lab GRÜNSTATTGRAU, the Austrian Green Roof and Living Wall Association (VfB) and the European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB) collects the following data: 

{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{161}" paraid="457628853">Company-specific data on the range of services offered and projects realized in the past in the field of green roofs and walls and perceived obstacles, as well as on past and future developments in the field of green roofs and walls 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{172}" paraid="1305465220">Person-specific assessments of current and future market developments 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{179}" paraid="500371774">Personal data (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) if a transmission of results of the study, the transmission of sensitive market data to a notary or the use of advertising opportunities in the publication is desired. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{190}" paraid="1245766228">These information will be stored and processed for the following purposes: 

{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{212}" paraid="2127276511">Determination of market figures and growth forecasts for green roofs in Europe with target group-specific and regional evaluations. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{223}" paraid="805125070">Determination of market figures and growth prognoses for facade greening in Europe with the target group-specific and regional evaluations. 

{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{234}" paraid="419466349">Determination of market figures and growth forecasts for indoor wall greening in Europe with target group-specific and regional evaluations. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{241}" paraid="1250214595">Analysis of the value chain in the greening building industry. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{248}" paraid="1032037709">Analysis of the development of services and competences in the field of greening of buildings. 


{71c02cbe-774d-4b56-b1a8-a59d6ce87435}{255}" paraid="553300204">Transmission of results and data. 


{63da1cc2-1bc7-4849-bbcd-79c2201b1523}{11}" paraid="1558252891">This survey is conducted with the online software application Lime Survey of LimeSurvey GmbH and will be active until 31.01.2020 and will be deleted from the online platform immediately after completion of the survey. 


{63da1cc2-1bc7-4849-bbcd-79c2201b1523}{29}" paraid="1689557980">The collected information will only be used and stored in connection with the project and the purposes mentioned. All evaluations are made anonymous and do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual companies or persons. 


{63da1cc2-1bc7-4849-bbcd-79c2201b1523}{39}" paraid="126619908">Participation in the survey is voluntary. 


{63da1cc2-1bc7-4849-bbcd-79c2201b1523}{49}" paraid="1656100791">Please accept the privacy policy in order to start the survey.